Coalitions at the State and National Level Ask the Senate for a Clean Internet Tax Moratorium

State and National organizations have joined together to ask the Senate to pass a clean and permanent extension of S. 1432, the Internet Tax Freedom Act. The coalition draws attention to the negative effects of allowing the Internet Tax Moratorium to expire or lapse:

Excessive taxes will hinder continued growth in the digital space.  The FCC’s National Broadband Plan states that the largest barrier to consumer adoption and expanded use of Internet based services is cost.  Allowing the Internet access tax moratorium to lapse would certainly lead to higher tax rates on consumers and thus reduce the rate of adoption and innovation.  

It is the opinion of Digital Liberty that certain states that have been allowed to tax internet access should not be allowed to continue with this tax.  Digital Liberty also believes that a short term extension to December 31st is political gaming and is unacceptable.  This extension merely allows the Senate to delay a vote until after elections.

You can see their letter in full here.